NHS trusts
Trusted framework supplier

NLG Healthcare is one of the most highly accredited recruitment agencies in the UK. Solving your issues as a matter of urgency, we help NHS Trusts find high-quality temporary and permanent healthcare staff with the right experience at the right price.

Finding needles in haystacks

Trusted suppliers under framework agreements to the NHS since 2005, we work tirelessly to bring you the most talented and dedicated workers with the skillsets you’re looking for.

Importantly, we always take the best possible care of those who work for us, so you can be sure they will be fully prepared and raring to go whenever the NHS needs them.


Nursing and midwifery support

We provide a wide range of specialist skills including Registered General Nurses, Emergency Nurse Practitioners, Orthopaedic Scrub Nurses, Theatre Scrub Nurses, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, ICU Nurses, Paediatric Nurses, Nurse Specialists, Dental Nurses, as well as Midwifery and Health Visitors.


Allied Healthcare professionals

Our high-quality professional support in this area includes Theatre Practitioners, General Therapists Occupational Therapists, Orthoptists, Physiotherapists, Healthcare Scientists and Pharmacists.

Responsive 24/7 service

Our local on-call teams are run by experienced medical recruiters. You’ll speak to the people who manage the day-to-day, not an offsite answering service. Better still, we’ll reply quickly to your call, even out of hours. So, don’t worry if you’re working late, we’ll be here, ready to help you out as soon as the need arises.


Approved agency

We’re an approved agency under various, national staffing frameworks, including Workforce Alliance, Health Trust Europe (HTE) and the National Clinical Staffing Framework operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOECPC).


Rates that will have you nodding

NLG Healthcare is one of the most competitively priced agencies for the supply of NHS nursing staff in the UK. Our eyebrow-raising charges are made possible by low commission rates which enable us to build long-term relationships with Trusts and support the reduction in off-framework spend.


Help on your doorstep

We have a pool of local health professionals, living within reasonable travelling distance of your location, ready to supplement your team at short notice. Having fully-trained experts close by reduces potential supply issues and gives you the reassurance of knowing your needs can always be met. If reliability is what you’re looking for, then you’ve definitely come to the right place.